Jan 18, 2022
Carline Anglade-Cole is a million-dollar copywriter, and she's a master at creating controls. After 12 years in the direct mail industry working at Phillips Publishing Inc. (now Healthy Directions), Carline ventured out on her own and launched Cole Marketing Solutions. Carline raked in over six figures in royalties in her first year as a freelancer and never looked back.
Today, Carline makes millions in royalties, creating massive
multi-year controls for Healthy Directions, Cawood and Associates,
Boardroom, and all the other top health publishers in the country.
She's the Author of My Life as a 50+ Year-Old White Male: How a
Mixed-Race Woman Stumbled Into Direct-Response Copywriting and
Succeeded!, and Your Copy Sucks - You Don't!: 60 Kick-Butt
Lessons on Copywriting... Business... and Life!
When it comes to marketing messages, Carline Anglade-Cole and every other great direct response copywriter already know what’s on your mind. That's how they write copy that hits home and convinces you to buy. It’s also why Carline wrote a book about her life as a 50+ year-old white male.
How do these copywriters know the ins and outs of their audience? What are some copywriting best practices? For one, copywriters are lyricists who write to the beat of their target audience. That's one of Carline's many copywriting secrets. Now, she’s sharing her strategies with you — and you don't want to miss it. Ready to dig in?
Listen to this episode of the Inspired Insider Podcast with Dr. Jeremy Weisz featuring the million-dollar copywriter Carline Anglade-Cole. They discuss the thought and creative process of Carline's Life as a 50+ Year-Old White Male book, her best kept copywriting secrets, lessons from her mentor, and how to get $1,800 worth of gifts from her.