Oct 18, 2018
Steve O’Dell and Robbie Page are the co-founders of Tenzo Tea. They run a matcha tea company based in Santa Monica, CA. Tenzo Matcha Green Tea is grown in Kagoshima, Japan. Their products can be found at various coffee shops and smoothie facilities all over California and online at tenzotea.co and not on Amazon.
What does it take to perform at the highest level in sports and business? Do you need the right information and training? What role do your diet and your daily habits play in your chances for sustained success? On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from high performing athletes and business leaders, Steve O’Dell and Robbie Page. In their conversation with Jeremy, Steve and Robbie open up about how they first met, what they learned from their time playing professional volleyball, how they came up with the idea to start Tenzo Tea, challenges they’ve faced along the way, and so much more! You don’t want to miss a minute of this engaging episode featuring Steve and Robbie!
Have you ever performed at the top of your field? What was that experience like? How did you get to that level of competition? For many business leaders, getting to the top is a frustrating and winding road, then there are those who make it look really easy. Steve and Robbie are accustomed to performing in high stakes situations. Both Steve and Robbie played volleyball in college at UCLA, competing at the highest levels. They’ve taken that same dedication and competition to their roles co-founding and leading, Tenzo Tea. What can you learn from Steve and Robbie’s story?
Do you have a system that sets you up for success? How has your system changed and evolved over the years in your career and personal life? Coming from a sports background, Steve and Robbie had ritual and routine built into their days from an early age. Now, instead of turning all that planning and preparation to get their body in shape, they are working on getting the competitive edge over their peers. While the guys will be the first to tell you that Tenzo Tea will help you start the day off right, they also do what they can to learn from other leaders, devouring books on leadership and innovation.
Did you know that fueling your body with the right ingredients is half the battle when it comes to maintaining high performance? It’s true! Too often the average person will get into a health kick and decide to start working out (which is great!) but they’ll fail to go, “All in” and change their diet. Steve and Robbie want to help men and women start the day off right by putting a clean and natural source of nutrients in the form of a hot cup of matcha green tea. At Tenzo Tea, they say that Matcha green tea is the healthiest drink on the planet, described as a fat-burner and cancer-fighter, Matcha dominates the rest of the world of tea.
One of the best ways to stand out from the rest of the competition in the business world is to build a robust and enthusiastic fan base. Its true, some products lend themselves to this business practice better than others, however, many companies are leaving money on the floor by taking a passive approach to customer engagement. Tenzo Tea is taking a much more direct and aggressive approach to cultivating and encouraging their fans to stay connected. They’ve gone so far as creating specialized subscription services, starter boxes, and even an informative blog! Steve and Robbie are really doing an amazing job connecting with their customer base in a meaningful way and the market is rewarding them for it!
Rise25 creates 100% outsourced VIP days for software companies and conference organizers to serve their highest level customers.
Rise25 VIP Days have a proven track record of helping companies to get more referrals, increase retention with their VIP customers, and get more engaged new customers without adding extra work to that company’s plate.
Rise25 partners and collaborates with entrepreneur-focused communities, with particular emphasis on creating events for high volume Amazon sellers, Walmart sellers, multichannel ecommerce sellers, and founders who want to take their business to the next level.
Rise25 has hosted VIP events in cities such as Austin, Chicago, Santa Barbara, San Diego, New York, Sonoma, and Las Vegas to name a few.
If your company appreciates the value of bringing your highest level customers together to connect and collaborate, you can learn more and contact us to find out if your company qualifies at Rise25.com.
Rise25 was cofounded by Dr. Jeremy
Weisz and John Corcoran.