Apr 15, 2014
Ken Kaufman’s Event New Living Expo attracts 16,000 visitors from across the country to explore ways to improve their health, prosperity and happiness. There will be 1200 exhibitors and over 250 speakers.
They attract a speaker lineup of renowned speakers, celebrities, and doctors featuring people like John Gray author of Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus and Dan Millman author of way of the peaceful warrior. Ken has been doing new living expo for over 26 years.
Watch Full Video>> http://www.inspiredinsider.com/ken-kaufman-how-did-the-newlivingexpo-attract-close-to-16000-and-top-speakers-like-john-gray-what-was-the-one-colossal-mistake-that-almost-cost-him-the-entire-event-in-the-early-days/