Oct 30, 2018
Dan Meadors is a co-founder of The Wholesale Formula with Eric
Lambert. They began selling on Amazon as a hobby with an original
investment of only $600. They worked nights and weekends buying
products on clearance at local retail stores and selling them on
Amazon for a profit. It only took a few months before they saw the
potential to turn this hobby into a business as they both left
their day jobs to sell on Amazon full-time. Since then they have
been able to generate over $20,000,000 in sales on Amazon. Dan and
Eric have developed their own unique system to take advantage of
wholesale opportunities called The Wholesale Formula.
Have you ever stopped to think about how your efforts impact and influence other business leaders? Are you actively giving back and helping the next generation of leaders in your industry? On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from innovator and business leader, Dan Meadors. In his conversation with Jeremy, Dan opens up about the feedback he’s received about The Wholesale Formula, why he loves equipping business leaders to do what they love, challenges they’ve faced along the way, and much more! Don’t miss a minute of this powerful episode featuring Dan and the story behind The Wholesale Formula!
One of the most amazing privileges you can have as a business leader is to influence the lives of other people. For Dan Meadors and his team at The Wholesale Formula, it’s not just a privilege, it’s their business model! The Wholesale Formula is a step-by-step process that shows ecommerce sellers exactly how to take advantage of wholesale opportunities on Amazon the same way Dan & Eric have to build their multi-million dollar business. Dan and Eric are passionate about helping others start their own business because they know how freeing it can be!
What do you do when everything you’ve planned for comes crashing down around you? Do you give up and throw in the towel or do you learn from those challenges and bounce back? Dan and Eric faced a significant challenge early on in their business when they invested all of their funds into a product that failed. Scrambling, the guys had to find a way to keep a bad situation from tanking their whole operation. Thankfully they were able to find a solution that kept them in business and living to fight another day. Dealing with this challenge had a profound impact on Dan and has shaped the way he views risk and success. What can you learn from Dan’s story?
Rise25 creates 100% outsourced VIP days for software companies and conference organizers to serve their highest level customers.
Rise25 VIP Days have a proven track record of helping companies to get more referrals, increase retention with their VIP customers, and get more engaged new customers without adding extra work to that company’s plate.
Rise25 partners and collaborates with entrepreneur-focused communities, with particular emphasis on creating events for high volume Amazon sellers, Walmart sellers, multichannel ecommerce sellers, and founders who want to take their business to the next level.
Rise25 has hosted VIP events in cities such as Austin, Chicago, Santa Barbara, San Diego, New York, Sonoma, and Las Vegas to name a few.
If your company appreciates the value of bringing your highest level customers together to connect and collaborate, you can learn more and contact us to find out if your company qualifies at Rise25.com.
Rise25 was cofounded by Dr. Jeremy
Weisz and John Corcoran.