Dec 25, 2018
Casey Gauss is the founder and CEO of Viral Launch, an Indianapolis-based tech company offering innovative software and creative services to Amazon Sellers. Casey founded the company in 2014 when he was 21. He has gone on to leverage his passion for tech, building cool things, learning, and helping others through the expansion of the company to over 40 employees. He continues—nose to the grind—in his obsession with Amazon market philosophy, helping a growing number of Amazon businesses achieve success in the world’s largest ecommerce marketplace.
Did you know that a large part of what makes ecommerce sellers
successful is an impulse to follow the data? It’s true! Some
sellers might catch some good luck being in the right place at the
right time, but more and more sellers are looking to the cold hard
data to fuel their rise to the top. On this episode of Inspired
Insider, you’ll hear from innovator and entrepreneur, Casey Gauss.
In his conversation with Jeremy, Casey opens up about how he
started Viral Launch, why he loves to follow the data, personal and
professional challenges he’s faced along the way, and much more!
Don’t miss a minute of this powerful episode featuring Casey’s
What has led to your growth and development as a business leader?
Have you had the good fortune to connect with great mentors who
have invested in you? Or is your story more of a scrappy rise from
adversity? Casey Gauss’ story an inspiring one that showcases his
endurance and determination. He built the original coding and
platform for Viral Launch in an apartment in Indianapolis with
socks on his hands because he couldn’t afford to turn on the heat.
Casey has taken that signature scrappy and can-do attitude and has
built it into his business. Make sure to check out Viral Lanch and
the fantastic work they are doing to equip ecommerce leaders with
the best tools available.
What type of impact will all your hard work leave on the industry
that you work in? Is your organization helping to add a more
collaborative and worthwhile environment? At Viral Launch, Casey
Gauss and his team are doing everything they can to chart the way
forward for ecommerce sellers and small businesses. Their mission
is to equip entrepreneurs with the insight, tools, and partnerships
needed for lasting success. After working with thousands of brands
in the Amazon ecosystem including performing over 17,000 product
launches, Viral Launch has garnered enough knowledge, experience,
and data to launch successful brands time and time again. What can
your organization learn from Viral Launch’s example?
This is part of the Prosper Show Ecommerce Mastery Series where top Sellers and Experts teach you what really works to boost your ecommerce business. They have an amazing conference with some of the top Amazon sellers and industry leaders.
Rise25’s mission is to connect you with your best referral partners and customers.
We do this in 3 ways…
Rise25 VIP Days have a proven track record of helping companies to get more referrals, increase retention with their VIP customers, and get more engaged new customers without adding extra work to that company’s plate.
Rise25 has hosted VIP events in cities such as Austin, Chicago, Santa Barbara, San Diego, New York, Sonoma, and Las Vegas to name a few.
Since these each require a lot of humans to do the work we have limited bandwidth and only want to work with the right company. so if any sound interesting to you go to and contact us or email support (at)
If your company wants to attract and connect with your highest level customers and referral partners then you can learn more and contact us to find out if your company qualifies at
Rise25 was cofounded by Dr. Jeremy Weisz and John Corcoran.