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INspired INsider Podcast

INspiredINsider Show with Dr. Jeremy Weisz features interviews with successful entrepreneurs, Ecommerce founders, & visionary leaders.

Leaders reveal deeply personal stories and explore the tough journey, big challenges, and mistakes that they overcame to achieve success.

You will find inspiring stories from: Founders of Atari, Baby Einstein, P90X, Einstein Bagels, Skymall, and many more.

Thank you for listening from your host of Dr. Jeremy Weisz. Go to for Full Video episodes. 

Jun 26, 2014

Chris Liscio is CEO of SuperMegaUltraGroovy, a company that produces software for musicians and audio professionals. His outstanding development work has won him Apple's Design Award and other honors in his 9 year journey to create world class apps.

To watch Full Video Interview go here>>

Jun 19, 2014

Dr John Demartini  founded the Demartini Institute in 1982 and is a leading authority on human development.

He has been featured on Larry King Live, in Oprah Magazine, in the movie “The Secret”, and ... He has shared the stage with Stephen Covey, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra ,Donald Trump, Richard Branson and many...

Jun 12, 2014

George Deeb Founded in 1999 which was the #1 adventure travel site that grew to over 1MM visitors per month.  George was named Ernst & Young "Entrepreneur of the Year" in 2001. George was CEO of Media Recall and helped to build a $25MM sales pipeline

Both IExplore and Media Recall were both venture...

Jun 5, 2014

Urmas Purde is the cofounder of pipedrive, a sales pipeline management software.They have over 10,000 paying customers  in 100+ countries worldwide such as HubSpot, Samsung, Discovery Channel and many more.  He talks about life and death experiences.

Click Here to watch FULL VIDEO interview>>