Jun 27, 2019
Today we have Mark Aramli the inventor and founder of BedJet. Bedjet is the world’s first rapid cooling and heating system just for your bed. Mark started his career working on the space suit for NASA. He was responsible for helping engineer elements relating to heating and cooling of the interior space suit environment for the astronauts. Mark’s career has included collaborating with BMW on their first zero-emissions hydrogen powered 7-series sedan, working with Capstone Turbine Corporation, and even portable power systems for the U.S. Army and Marines.
What does it take to test a product, produce it, and bring it to the marketplace? Is there a best approach that most business leaders use or is it all up to chance? On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from business leader and innovator, Mark Aramli. In his conversation with Jeremy, Mark opens up about how he came up with the idea for the Bedjet, why he decided to appear on Shark Tank, what it took to validate the Bedjet, and much more. You don’t want to miss a minute of this fascinating episode featuring Mark’s story!
Where does an innovative idea like the Bedjet come from? From the complexity and the amazing technology involved, you’d think that the idea for a device like the Bedjet came from a technology firm. The truth is - the Bedjet was born out of Mark’s desire to tinker around with a device that would solve his personal dilemma of temperature control in his bed. After he landed on a prototype - Mark decided to get wider input by sending the device to his friends and family - they agreed, Bedjet was a hit!
Once he had the product figured out - Mark had to go to work getting the product exposure in the marketplace. Running a small startup - you can imagine that Mark’s brand awareness budget was almost $0. Thankfully, they were able to get a Bedjet into the hands of the brilliant and talented marketing agency - The Harmon Brothers. In just a few months - Mark had a fun, entertaining, and engaging video he could use to promote the Bedjet. You can view the video that helped put the Bedjet on the map the Bedjet website!
As a small startup - Mark took every opportunity he could to raise awareness of the Bedjet and connect with more people who would enjoy the product. The desire to improve the Bedjet’s visibility led Mark to several rounds of funding on Kickstarter. With the successful Kickstarter campaigns, the Bedjet got on the radar for the folks at Shark Tank. The funny thing is - Mark had never even seen an episode of Shark Tank before the show contacted him! Jumping at the chance to appear on Shark Tank - Mark packed his bags and attended the tapping - all to no avail. The Sharks were convinced that the Bedjet would bomb - thankfully - they were wrong.
Even though the Sharks didn’t believe in the Bedjet - Mark knew better. He was convinced that the Bedjet was the solution that many people all over the world needed to make sleep a more enjoyable experience. Today, the Bedjet is selling like never before. The Bedjet is listed on Amazon, but Mark has been pouring more resources in his direct to consumer efforts, and he’s seen it pay off! Mark’s story goes to show you that you don’t need the stars to align to bring a successful product to the marketplace - you just have to make something people want!
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